Annual Safeguarding Statement to Parishes
The annual safeguarding statement to Parishes was published early October, appropriately around the the time of the Feast of Guardian Angels.
Please click here to read the statement.
New Safeguarding Webpages
The diocesan website has been updated to reflect the current work of the Safeguarding Team. The pages can be accessed by visiting and selecting "Safeguarding". This will bring you to a new page with a further menu providing information on different aspects of Safeguarding within the diocese. Please note that any volunteers who still require training can visit the "Training" page and contact any trainer to arrange a session or can join a session scheduled in the calendar.
Safeguarding Parish Audit for 2020
Sincere thanks to Laura McLean for preparing and delivering the Parish Safeguarding Audit for last year. Thanks for all the hard work and commitment!