St. Bride's Monthly Draw
Congratulations to the January Winner of the Monthly Draw is number 21, Fr Gerry.
Year of Hope 2025 Pope Francis Has announced that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee - an event that happens every 25 years. More information and resources
Thank You
St Bride’s have received a very generous donation of £2000. A very warm thank you for you generosity.
Bridie's Blethers - December 2024 Edition
The September 2024 edition of
Bridie's Blethers is now available. We hope you enjoy it!
Documentary On Assisted Suicide, created by Being Catholic TV
“Do No Harm” is a short documentary which highlights some of the grave concerns around proposals to legalise assisted dying in the UK and Scottish Parliaments. The documentary, which features Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Bishop John Keenan, Dr Gillian Wright, Lord David Alton, and Professor David Albert Jones, gathers together experts from the medical and palliative care professions, alongside prominent politicians, ethics experts and religious leaders, to construct a unified voice of unease. It spotlights key concerns around preserving human dignity and protections for vulnerable groups, and challenges the robustness of tabled safeguards in the UK legislation, by citing the experience of other jurisdictions which quickly eased access and expanded eligibility. You can view the documentary via the links:
CHANA (Churches Homeless Action North Ayrshire)
A huge thank you to all who donated to Chana's Night Before Christmas Appeal. 168 presents have been delivered in time for Christmas to those in the Homeless Hostel and in Supported Accommodation in North Ayrshire.
Donation To St. Bride's
St Bride’s have received a donation of £1000 from a parishioner. God bless you and thank you for your generosity.
Dilexit Nos - He Loved Us
Pope Francis issued his fourth Encyclical on the 24th October 2024, called "
Dilexit nos" ('He loved us'): on Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ. A world that has become "heartless" and indifferent to greed and war, and a Catholic Church in need of revitalising its missionary joy need to open themselves up to Christ's infinite love, Pope Francis wrote.
Parish Council Meeting
Sunday Teas At St. Bride's
Tea and coffee will be served in the hall after Mass today Sunday. Everyone welcome!
St. Bride's SSVP
Thank you to everyone who handed in tea and coffee for the larder.
Big "Thank You" To Sister Rosemary
Sister Rosemary was able to arrange for us some very beautiful and necessary items for the celebration of the Liturgy at St Bride’s. We have received priest’s vestments, lectern covers, cruets, candles, and two beautiful chalices… I am very grateful to Sister Rosemary for all the generosity and keeping St Bride’s in mind… a big “Thank You”!
Thank You
A huge thank you to all the bakers, helpers on the day, donators and clearing-uppers who made our celebration of Father Gerry’s Golden Jubilee so special. God Bless and thank you.
"I would like to thank Father Duncan and all the parishioners
of St Bride’s for all their kind words, cards and gifts
celebrating my Golden Jubilee".....Fr. Gerry
Divine Mercy
Anyone interested in establishing a Divine Mercy Group in the Three Towns can contact Miriam on 07377457657 or contact the parish office at St Mary’s 01294 463461.
Generous Donation To St. Bride's
A sincere thank you for the very generous donation of £1000 to St Bride’s for the new Lectionaries that will begin in Advent this year. The donation has been given in memory of Paul McNulty.
New Alter Signature
Thank you to Nick Monir of Zebra Signs for the new wording on the alter canopy. The words are a quote from St. Bride.
St. Bride's Family Fun Day
A huge thank you to everyone for the success of the Family Fun Day. A great day of unity and fun.
Sisters of Saint Paul Of Chartres
We are delighted to announce that the contract for the sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres who serve in the Three Towns has been renewed for another 5 years. We thank Sr. Marie Monique and Sr. Ursula for assisting in our parishes.
Cost Of Living Crisis - Support Guide
Anthony Horan of the Catholic Parliamentary Office has pulled together a
guide to some of the key benefits available from the UK and Scottish Governments along with some suggestions of further support as people navigate the cost-of-living crisis. There may be parishioners and others in the community who may not be aware of what help is available. Anthony aims to update the
guide as and when there are major developments.
In And Around St. Bride's Church
I’m very grateful to all our Parishioners who have contributed to the maintaining of our Parish. The Notice Board at the front of the Church has been updated with the new information.
Christians Against Poverty - Irvine and Thee Town Debt Centre
Are a Christian Organisation that helps people struggling with personal debt issues to begin a journey out of debt. This service is free and will see clients face to face at the Connexions centre, Irvine or at any office location. Please call the freephone number 0800 328 0006.
Galloway Diocese Synod Summary Now Available
In September 2021, a Diocesan Synodal Team was formed, consisting of three lay women, one lay man, and one diocesan priest whose primary role was to provide spiritual direction to the lay team. A period of intense preparation followed as the format of synodal encounters was prayerfully decided on and developed, facilitators for these encounters were identified and trained, and the ten thematic nuclei provided by the Vatican were circulated with short reflective videos to encourage participation across the diocese. The
Summary of all the hard work and efforts is now available. You can download the document
here. If you need paper copy, please ask in the Sacristy.
information on the Synod 2021 - 2023 and the themes/questions.
St. Bride's Readers
Please add your name to the list at the back of the church if you can help out at any point of the week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is available in St Bride’s church every Tuesday and Friday at 9.30am. It’s a wonderful chance to sit a while with the Lord and encounter him again in the Real Presence. Why don’t you make an appointment with our Lord and “waste” some time with him!
Free Booklet on Christ the King
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe marks the end of the Church’s liturgical year. Pope Pius XI said that the many evils in the world—including secularisation, communism, and atheism —were “due to the fact that the majority of men had thrust Jesus Christ and his holy law out of their lives.” Instead of following the ways of the world, Pope Pius said that Christ should reign as King in every aspect of every Christian’s life. That’s wonderful advice for each one of us. In the 1920s, Pope Pius XI instituted the Feast of Christ the King. The Pope knew that, as Christians, we should make Our Lord preeminent in every aspect of our lives. With these prayers and meditations on Sacred Scripture, we hope you will deepen your relationship with Christ the King. Click
here to download
Christ the King: Prayers and Meditations.
Waiting on the Father's Promise: A Novena to the Holy Family
Devote some time daily with your family for the next nine days to reflect, read and respond to God in prayer with this
novena to the Holy Family.
Free Booklet on the Meaning of the Eucharist now available
"God works through all these messy human realities and wants to encounter us at every Mass." - The Lord wants to deeply encounter everyone in the Mass and especially in the Eucharist. However, it can be hard for us to recognise his presence. By learning about the deeper meaning behind what Catholics do at Mass, we left the veil between the human and divine. In this excerpt, Dr. Edward Sri (a founding leader of FOCUS and professor at Augustine Institute) discusses what the Mass is and the three ways that every Catholic should know the Eucharist. Learn about the Eucharist as:
- the memorial of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross
- the real presence of Jesus
- Holy Communion with Our Lord
Ready to learn more about the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? Click
here to get your FREE copy.
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Novena in honour of the Holy Spirit is the oldest of all Novenas, since it was first made at the direction of our Lord Himself when He sent His apostles back to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost. Addressed to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, it is a powerful plea for the light, strength and love so sorely needed by every Christian, especially in these challenging times. We hope that you will be prompted to ask the Holy Spirit to empower, encourage, and embolden you to follow His lead. We pray the
Novena from Ascension Thursday, 13th May until the Solemnity of Pentecost, 23rd May 2021. Come, Holy Spirit!
With a Father’s Heart Booklet - now available
In a new Apostolic Letter entitled “
With a Father’s Heart”, Pope Francis describes Saint Joseph as a beloved father, a tender and loving father, an obedient father, an accepting father; a father who is creatively courageous, a working father, a father in the shadows. The Letter marks the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius IX’s declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. To celebrate the anniversary, Pope Francis has proclaimed a special “Year of St Joseph,” beginning on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 2020 and extending to the same feast in 2021. The Holy Father wrote “
With a Father’s Heart” against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, which, he says, has helped us see more clearly the importance of “ordinary” people who, though far from the limelight, exercise patience and offer hope every day. In this, they resemble Saint Joseph, “the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence,” who nonetheless played “an incomparable role in the history of salvation.”
Prayers Christ the King
Waiting on the Father's Promise: Novena to the Holy Family
Scottish Catholic Magazine (Sample Edition)
Novena to St. Joseph in the Year of St. Joseph
Meaning of the Eucharist
Letter to a Suffering Church (from Bishop Barron)
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
With a Father's Heart